Recent News

The latest news is at the top.

November 7th, 2008

I've decided to hold off racing until next season, sorry KT, no chance of getting a picture of me holding a country ham...LOL

I now have sponsorship opportunities available for next season, if you or your company would like to advertise on my kart or my Website, please contact me anytime:

I'll try and post every few weeks until next racing season, have a great off season and hope to see everyone around March or April...


October 13th, 2008

I have my new body on my kart, worked on the graphics this weekend, check it out:

Have it scaled out, the broken spindle is welded up, new full bumper is installed, just need replace the chain and I'm ready to hit the track again...

September 18th, 2008

It has been a month since I last hit the track, looking forward to racing a few more times in November, maybe the Fall Shootout...

I received my new full bumper and my steering block on Wednesday, hope to have it on by the weekend. Still need to get my new body to Rex Effex and get the graphics done.

Hope over the next few weeks to have the kart body back on and scaled out, hope to see you guys soon...

August 17th, 2008

It was very exciting last night, we had 7 karts in our class and I won the Pole in Qualifing for the first time.

I did pretty good until the last lap, got bumped into stalled kart, hit him (sorry bout that Kyle), a cone and wrecked in turn 4. Hit so hard that the kart body is totaled and someone said I might of broke the fence post right behind the tires.

I felt pretty good right after the wreck, then starting feeling sore in my neck about an hour later, the medical crew at the track checked me out and said I might be sore for a few days.

Woke up this morning feeling great, my neck is just a little stiff, got a bruse on my knee but it's doesn't hurt, I'm good to go racing again, once I buy a few parts for the kart, time to go see Mike at Fast Action Karting...

August 15th, 2008

I'm ready, the kart is ready, and I know the weather is going going to be great this Saturday…

I can't wait hit the track because this might be my last race for a while, I've got football games and band competitions for the next few months…

Hope to see my friends too ! ! !

August 9th, 2008

After two weeks of band camp (12 hours of practice each day), I was too tired to race back on the 2nd, I really didn't mind missing that weekend because the kart wasn't ready yet either...

But we have now finished the Phantom, it's setup, scaled, the new tires are cut, cleaned and ready for prep. The new fairing, bracket, steering wheel are installed and I'm more than ready to hit the track, but I'm not going to be able to race until the 16th...

I have also changed my kart numbers to C44, looks great too...

Good luck to all my friends in Blue and Gold Plate that are racing the Ashway Points race today, drive fast and stay safe.

July 27th, 2008

Worked some today getting the Phantom ready going again after doing some old-school frame bending (to add more cross) and painting the chassis last weekend. The new paint looks pretty good, hopefully it will be easier to clean after each race.

We're looking forward to racing at The Valley on August 2, it's just a regular race night so it will be good to get some more seat time.

I've decided my new kart number will be C44...

July 17th, 2008

It was fun running my old chassis, but the old straight rail (Beast Wide Body) is getting put back up and I'll start using the Phantom again for my next race or practice. Mike at Fast Action Karting is cutting my new tires this week, if you need a great set of tires, contact Mike sometime...

Not sure when the next time I'll hit the track, depends when I get the Phantom set back up, we did manage to get all the mud washed of the straight rail this week, took a while

I've decided what my new kart number will be, either C44 or C4, have to finalize which one with my Dad this week...

July 13th, 2008

The old straight rail didn't hook up that well last night, really need to get the new 33a tires cut or roughed up before the next race, time to visit Mike at Fast Action Karting this week.

Was a bit exciting to say the least about my race, saw the Courtesy Flag for two laps, gave way (went high two laps) and no one passed me and the third time I saw the Courtesy Flag, the Flag Stand pointed me to drop down, I drop down and got bumped into the in-field by one of the (lapping) 3 leaders passing me on the outside...

I hit the scales after the Feature Race I weighed 15 lbs more than what I did after Qualifying, that is going to be a lot of mud to wash off my kart, but I'll finally have a clean kart... LOL

Just a note: I'm changing my kart number...

July 12th, 2008

I ran the old straight rail frame last night at Dumplin Valley's Open Practice last night, worked great and the only thing we need to do is add just a touch of cross so it exits the corner a little better.

Though it was really fun running with the Stockers last night (none got past me and for the first time I passed an Animal), I can't wait to hit the track today with the Gold Plates to see how well I'm doing.

My Dad is taking the video camera tonight, look for a new video on YouTube Sunday.

July 5th, 2008

We're going back to the Beast (straight rail) frame. This is the same frame we use last year and finished my season with a First Place win, I'm hoping to have the same luck with it again.

June 22nd, 2008

Sorry I haven't updated the website in a few weeks, been pretty busy this summer. I won't update my website for a couple more weeks because I'm going on vacation again, but I'll be sure to update it after my next race at Dumplin Valley on July 12th.

We went to the Open Practice at Dumplin Valley on June 20th, we had a great time and set my Kart up some for the race on the 21st. I did good in Qualifying, placed 3rd out of 6 and ran really good in the Feature until both bolts on the exhaust backed out and I missed a few of the last few laps. Ended up finishing 4th because two of my friends (Logan and Bay-Bay) had to pull off before me with motor problems.

Even with not finishing the race, I had the best time I ever had this season, my Dad wasn't stressed because we had time to work on the kart, clean and prep the tires, and walk around to talk with friends and watch many of the races. My dad even ate 3 or 4 of the burgers, which made him pretty happy...LOL

We can't wait to go back to Dumplin Valley again !

Click here to view the Feature Race video.

June 8th, 2008

Made a choice last night, I'm going to start racing at Dumplin Valley the rest of the season and we are not going to visit Ashway anymore, not even for the rest of the points races...

May 31th, 2008

That video of the new Jimmy Glenn motor we posted on YouTube has been getting a bunch of hits this week, finally figured out most viewers were comming from the 4cycle forums to see it.

Wish I could be racing today, good luck to all my friends in gold and blue plate tonight, we're shooting to be at the next points race and hope to see everyone soon...

May 25th, 2008

Installed new tie rods today, the steering works great now. We have the correct lengths and they are now both level to the chassis, we added one notch of ackerman to the inside too. Seems to work pretty good, I got to try it out by taking a couple of laps around the neighborhood.

Another great thing we tried out was the new motor from Jimmy Glenn, it worked great and I can't wait to see how it does on the track. Almost two weeks until I get to race again, not sure it I can wait that long or not...

We posted a video on YouTube of me racing on the streets, you can also check it out on the top of the Video Page.

May 11th, 2008

Thought we burned up another aluminum bore motor last night, we had higher and higher temps and no power.

Big thanks to Nick and Gerald for letting me use one of their motors last night, that Toddzilla motor worked great, just wish Dad didn't load so much gear on it and maybe I would of gone a little faster.

We'll be skipping the all the races until the next points at Ashway on June 7th, hope to have the new steel bore motor going and the steering fixed by then...

Also, sorry that we haven't posted any videos on YouTube, we show up at the track with a dead camcorder battery and didn't bring the charger with us.

May 8th, 2008

Can't wait to race this weekend, I hope they get the track worked out and we have a lot of driver in Gold Class.

I'm on the cover of MotorMania and you can too, just visit, upload picture and pick a magazine cover...

May 3rd, 2008

We ended up racing last weekend (April 26th), wasn't to much to brag about, not much practice time, qualified, then rushed to the grid for a short feature with out cleaning or prep'n the tires. It's alright though, I think we found our setup finally and we have the steering worked out too. It was great seeing Jeff and Darryl there, just wish we could of been on the track a whole lot more.

We decided to skip this weekend because of the chance of rain and plus, we may get rushed to finish like we did last week and it's not worth it. We'll be there next week for the points race, hope to see a lot of Gold Plater drivers like the first race !

April 26th, 2008

Not sure if there is going to racing this afternoon, the Weather Channel says 90%, we're crossing our finger and hope the rain goes North.

April 17th, 2008

Just received two copies of Chase'n Race'n in the mail today, with (some of) me on the Contents page:

Wish I could be at the track this weekend for the points race, good luck to all my friends in Gold and Blue Plates races...

April 13th, 2008

What a race, I really had a great time last night, it finally felt like I was racing in this new class (Gold Plate). I qualified 4th (of 9) and was only .334 off the leader, ended up finishing the feature in 4th place too.

Starting on the outside was rough, I fell back to 6th right at the start and had to work my way back up, but it was really fun.

Click here to view a video of this race.

The new chassis setup worked better this past Saturday, we're only going to change it just a little before the next race. The clutch is really bad, sounds like it's going to blow up and we're going to re-order the correct friction plates this week.

April 11th, 2008

We have worked and worked on the chassis setup this week, we're finally happy with it and ready to hit the track this Saturday. We picked up some new clutch friction plates, but they didn't fit, hopefully the clutch will hold out for this race.

If you get Chase'n Race'n, check out the Table of Contents page, I'm on there. The picture is of me, Terry Hudgens and his Son waiting to leave the grid at Dumplin Valley's open practice day on March 1st, 2008. Mike at Fast Action showed it to us, it's was really cool to see and we've ordered 2 copies (and 2 t-shirts) from the Chase'n Race'n website.

Click here to see the picture that was used for the magazine...

We hope to see a bunch of karts racing Gold Plate, it's always more fun with a lot of drivers.

April 5th, 2008

We decided to skip racing this weekend, we'll hit the track next weekend and we hope to see a good turn out for the Gold Plate class. Go luck to the guys who hit Dumplin Valley on Sunday, hope you do good over there !

March 29th, 2008 @ Ashway (first points race)

Figured it out...

After a bunch of work on the kart (camber, caster, toe, scaling) and fixing the clutch float plate, we know that the kart was completly bound up back on the 22rd (motor worked great and it didn't over heat at all this time). We had to work to get the heat up on it with re-jetting, found a better gear during practice and ended up placing 6th out of 8th through qulifying.

Did some work on the kart to free it up some more and hope to run a little more faster next race, hope to see everyone there again.

March 22nd, 2008 @ Ashway (first regular race)

What a day...

We hit the track thinking that the kart was ready to go and found out we were way out. The kart worked great for the corners, but between the corners it wanted to pull left really bad. We ended up pulling the stagger out of the frount more and more, after four practice runs and borrowing many tires, we ended up with 3/8" worth just to get the kart to handle enough for the heat race.

While out their during the heat race, the side cover gasket popped out (at the bottom) just enough to let about half our oil, the block got a little hot but didn't over heat. With fresh oil and two new gaskets we hit the feature race, it really got warm but we finished the race.

After the race we had a chance to catch up with an old friend, Jeff Day who brought a friend with him named Darryl Evans who is interested in racing but had not hit a track yet. We decided to let him take the wheel of the CAB Racing kart for a few laps and also give us a chance to re-jet the carb (bigger hole) to see if we could cool the motor down some. Darryl drove great for the first time being in a kart, the first time out he just got the feel of the track, the second time out, it was full out race speed, he will be a great racer one day. Check out the Darryl's Video.

Even with the jet changes the motor didn't want to cool down, it either stayed the same or went up a little. We are going to pull the motor off the kart today, take of the head and check out it out. Will most likely take it to Mike on Monday to see if it's posible to fix before the upcomming points race. Wish us luck that we didn't toast this alluminum bore block, we only had two races and two practice days on it.

Hope to see everyone this Saturday ! ! !

March 15th, 2008 @ Ashway

Heard the news about Wednesday that the track would be closed due to the weather, the weather people were right on the money because it did rain like they said most of the day.

Hung around the house and played video games, Sunday afternoon we're going to prep the kart for this Saturday race. I sure hope the rain doesn't knock us out again because on March 29th it's going to be the first points race...

Hope to see everyone at Ashway soon this Saturday ! ! !

March 1st, 2008 @ The Valley (Open Practice Day)

We got there around 10am, there were a lot of people and I was glad to see some familiar faces. I couldn't wait to try out the Phantom frame that we got from Mike, he even helped me install the new seat Gerald had given us, big thank you to the both of you.

Time to hit the grid, found out Gold Plates were running with every Stock Class that showed up. No problem, when out there both times and passed a few Stockers and never let a Stocker get by (other than the Animals, man they can take off quick).

Check out the video of both practice sessions on my Video Page.

I'm very happy with all the setup and scaling we've did, we only increased the cross about 2% and we could of managed without that change, just hope we can dial in as good for the new Ashway Track this Saturday.

We're ready for Gold Plate this season, hope to see everyone at Ashway soon ! ! !

I'm going to update this page every week, racing or not...

Please check out last season race results,
pictures, and videos: 2007 Archive.